Fabrizio Dabbene
Fabrizio Dabbene is a Director of Research at the institute IEIIT of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR), where he is the coordinator of the Information & Systems Engineering Group. He has held visiting and research positions at The University of Iowa, at Penn State University and at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Control Science, Moscow. His research interests include data-driven robust methods for systems and control, design of advanced guidance and navigation schemes for aerospace applications, optimization and robotics for agriculture 4.0, and analysis of tecno-social dynamical networks. On these topics, he has published more than 150 research papers and two books. He is recipient of the 2010 EurAgeng Outstanding Paper Award.He served as Associate Editor for Automatica (2008-14) and for the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (2008-12), and he is currently Senior Editor of the IEEE Control Systems Society Letters. He was elected member of the Board of Governors (2014-16) and he served as Vice-President for Publications (2015-16). He is currently chairing the IEEE-CSS Italy Chapter and severs as Italy National Member Organization representative for IFAC.
Systems & Control, Optimization and Robotics in Agriculture 4.0
Organisatie informatie
National Research Council of Italy - Istituto Di Elettronica E Di Ing. Dell'informazione e Delle Telecomunicazioni
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24
10129 Torino